Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2 Months! aka 9 Weeks

two months old. miss kalliope weighs 9 lbs 10oz, and is 21 inches long. she eats all the time, and unfortunately does not take the bottle like she did last month. i keep on trying to give her the pacifier, but she has never been keen on it. she is much more likely to chew on the nearest finger, arm, fist or her thumb when it gets in there. she likes to lounge in the bouncy seat and ride in the ergo and stroller. sometimes i can lay her in her bed near the red polka dot curtains and the big dots keep her interest for quite awhile. she loves to make smiles at anyone who pays attention to her and sometimes graces us with a laugh or two. once in awhile we get some projectile spit-up, which is oh so fun to clean up, doesn't seem to faze her one bit. she fusses when she has a dirty diaper, and doesn't care if it is wet. she likes to mimic me when i move my tongue around and make faces, it is a fun game we play. one of the only games we play:) she still loves electro dance music, we need to expand her horizon in that area. she is a quiet baby, very easy going and snuggly. we are very blessed!!


Valerie said...

popi - you come on over and auntie v will set you up with some MUCH better music choices...;)

Sandie said...

Does she have Henderson eyes?? They look blue in these last (adorable) photos.....